IS IT WRONG TO BE ANGRY WITH GOD? Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote to me as follows: May I get angry with God because He allow things to come my way or happen to me, His child, that I think are very bad and unpleasant? I want to start then, before anyone reading here...
HOW CAN YOU LOVE SOMEONE IF THAT PERSON HAS HURT YOU? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Hoe kan mens iemand liefhê wat jou seergemaak het?” Someone wrote to me as follows: How can you love someone if that person has hurt you? How does it work? I would...
SHOULD I GET BAPTIZED AGAIN WHEN I GO ASTRAY AND SIN AND THEN REPENT BEFORE OUR LORD? Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote to me and asked: "If I have repented and been baptized, but I go astray and sin, and after a while I come back to the Lord and confess my sin, must I be...
' WHAT IS MY VALUE IN THE EYES OF OUR LORD? A Personal Testimony as an Example Translated from Afrikaans: “Wat is my waarde in die oë van ons HERE? ‘n Persoonlike Getuienis as Voorbeeld” Sakkie Parsons Today I would like to have a heart-to-heart talk with...
LET PEOPLE TASTE OUR FRUIT OF REPENTANCE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Laat die mense ons vrugte van bekering proe” Translator: Robin Barker Someone wrote to me and asked me who was being spoken about in Zachariah 11:17 Let’s read what is...
HOW DO I KNOW CHRISTIANIRY IS RIGHT? JESUS Has Risen As He Said He Would Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: ‘ Hoe weet ek Christenskap is reg? JESUS het opgestaan soos Hy gesê het’ Translator: Robin Barker Someone sent a letter to me...
SPEAKING IN TONGUES IS A GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT - AND NOT OF MEN Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: OM IN TALE TE PRAAT IS ‘N GAWE VAN DIE HEILIGE GEES - EN NIE VAN MENSE NIE Someone wrote to me with a few questions and I immediately realize that the person...
AND NOW THE PRIZE AWAITS ME Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote to me and told me about the tremendous attacks she has to face in life but how she only keeps her eyes on our Lord and trusts in Him. I share with you what I like to remind people like this lady and of course...
WHO IS SATAN, CAN HE READ OUR THOUGHTS AND DOES HE REALLY EXIST ? PART 3 Sakkie Parsons This is the last post in this short series on: Who is satan, can he read our minds and does he really exist. So now I share with you about the, in my opinion, blasphemous question...
WHO IS SATAN, CAN HE READ OUR THOUGHTS AND DOES HE REALLY EXIST ? PART 2 Sakkie Parsons In this the second writing to you about - Who is satan, can he read our minds and does he really exist, I want to share with you about: Can satan, so to speak, read our minds? The...
WHO IS SATAN, CAN HE READ OUR THOUGHTS AND DOES HE REALLY EXIST ? PART 1 Sakkie Parsons One of my people, as I call you all in my heart to whom I have the honour of sending mail, wrote to me one day; and mentions among other things that; she wonders if satan can...
OUR ONLY WAY TO SALVATION IS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Ons enigste weg na redding is deur Jesus Christus” The other day I thought on how good our Lord is to me by way of the neighbours He has given me.My neighbours on the...
I IS IT IMPORTANT FOR MY SALVATION TO BELONG TO A CHURCH GROUP? Sakkie Parsons I share with you this question that someone sent me and my answer to it from the Word as our LORD led me: “Is it important to belong to a church group? Will it determine your salvation?”...
THE TRAGEDY THAT WAS HIGHLIGHTED IN THE 2010 SOCCER WORLD CUP FOR ME AGAIN Sakkie Parsons At the time, during the 2010 soccer World Cup competition, which was held in South Africa, someone sent me what you are about to read below. I don't know if it really happened...
CAN I AS A CHRISTIAN BIND SATAN? "And behold, I am with you to the end of the world." MATTHEW 28:20 Sakkie Parsons Vertaal van Afrikaans: “Kan ek as Christen die satan bind?” Someone wrote and asked me two questions: I answer the questions to the best of my ability as...
ABOUT SUPERSTITIONS Sakkie Parsons Vertaal van Afrikaans: “Oor Bygelowe” Someone asks me about 'superstitions' and I shortened the person's question a bit. "I would like to hear your opinion regarding believes of the blink of a left eye, or a right eye and then...
WILL CHRIST SHARE A DWELLING WITH SATAN? Idols, Curses and the unnecessary fear of them as a child of GOD Sakkie Parsons Someone sent me a question about idols, curses etc in and on your home and wanted to know if I have dealt with these kinds of teachings. My answer...
THE CHRISTIAN AND FEAR Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Die Christen en Vrees” Someone asked me if I could write a ‘Thought from the Word’ about how we as Christians should look at fear. Personally, I think we should not be afraid in our being as the world...
GOD DEMAND LIABILITY OF EVERY INDIFERENT WORD Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote me a letter in which she expresses her concern and asked my opinion about certain things that are preached in her denomination by one of the people in their cell groups, namely that the fruit...
BUILD UP AND RESPECT ONE ANOTHER Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans "Stig en respekteer die een die ander" Translator: Robin Barker One morning, I awoke and turned the radio on and started looking for some beautiful music. I found some beautiful...
PROPHECIES CONCERNING JESUS CHRIST IN THE OLD TESTAMENT Therefore GOD has highly exalted JESUS and given Him a Name that is above every other name. Sakkie Parsons I received a letter in which the question arose: “Where do the prophecies about Jesus appear in die...
CAN I LOVE MY NEIGHBOUR AS I LOVE MYSELF? Author: Sakkie Parsons Translated from the Afrikaans Version: Kan ek my medemens net so liefhê soos myself? Translator: Lynda Botha I would like to share with you how God resolved this particular problem I had: Luke 10...
The hidden things are for the LORD our God but the revealed things are for us and our children forever Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Die verborge dinge is vir die HERE ons GOD, maar die geopende dinge is vir ons en ons kinders vir ewig.” DeuT 29:29...
YOU ARE MY FRIENDS IF YOU DO EVERYTHING THAT I COMMAND YOU Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Julle is my vriende as julle alles doen wat Ek julle beveel.” I pointed out on two previous occasions that I shared with you about Lazarus, that Lazarus did not...
WHAT IS THE LAW OF CHRIST? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Wat is die Wet van Christus?” Someone wrote to me: "Leviticus 19:27 "Do not follow the heathen custom and cut off the hair at your temples or trim the sides of your beards. Can you please...
THE WAY YOU ARE BURIED IS NOT IMPORTANT, BUT WHETHER YOU ARRIVE WITH JESUS ON THE OTHER SIDE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Die manier waarop jy begrawe word is nie belangrik nie, maar wel of jy met Jesus aan die anderkant arriveer.” I received...
CONFESS YOUR SINS TO ONE ANOTHER AND PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER THAT YOU MAY BE HEALED Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Bely mekaar julle misdade en bid vir mekaar sodat julle gesond kan word.” I sent out a letter where I wrote about how absolutely and...
ABOUT THE WOMAN IN MARRIAGE Sakkie Parsons Vertaal van Afrikaans: “Oor Die Vrou in die Huwelik” I want to start with something I said when I wrote about the man in marriage. There is a saying that I don't think is true and that many people always quote, so I...
WHAT HAPPENS TO ME AFTER THE GRAVE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: "Wat gebeur met my na die graf?" Translator: Robin Barker Someone asked me, for my opinion about life after death and firstly I must say that I do not have all the answers. I also...
WILL I BE THROWN OUT OF HEAVEN WHEN I'M THERE? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “ Sal ek uit die Hemel gegooi word wanneer ek daar is?” Someone wrote to me and ask the following and I give a shortened version of the person's question to me: “I want to know...
HOW DO I CONFESS MY SINS AND KNOW THAT GOD FORGIVES ME? Translated from Afrikaans: Hoe bely ek my sondes en weet ek dat God my vergewe het? Sakkie Parsons Someone asked me the following question and I repeat his question as faithfully as possible: "How do I confess my...
AM I DOOMED WITH MY WEAKNESS OR ADDICTION? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: Is ek met my swakheid of verslawing verdoem?” Someone spoke to me about an addiction in their life, and I share my reply to you: First, I want to tell you that, according to my...
IS THE LORD PUNISHING ME? I Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Straf die HERE my?” Someone wrote to me as follows: "We just want to know: Does the Lord punish you with bad for good so that you can get back on the right path?" Before I answer this...
LORD MAKE ME HEAR AND UNDERSTAND AND LET ME LOOK AND SEE Sakkie Parsons Vertaal van Afrikaans: “HERE laat my hoor en verstaan en laat my kyk en sien” In what I am going to write now, I am not saying that we may not love what we call our own, but surely all my...
WHY AM I HERE ON EARTH? Sakkie Parsons Vertaal van Afrikaans: “Hoekom is ek hier op aarde?” The other day I heard from a woman who was telling on TV how discouraged she became because she couldn't figure out why she was on this earth. I tell people when they...
YOU SHOULD THEREFORE NEVER BE ASHAMED TO TELL OTHERS ABOUT OUR LORD Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Jy moet dus nooit skaam wees om ander van ons HERE te vertel nie.” Someone wrote to me about a, so to speak, a feud that exists between her and someone...
DON'T LET SATAN PLAY WITH YOU LIKE WITH A FISH ON A HOOK Do not associate with fortune-telling, conjuring magic, interpretation of omens, sorcery, a spirit that divines, or that consult the dead. Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Moenie dat satan met jou...
BECOME INVOLVED WITH LOVING HUMILITY Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans "Vol liefde in nederigheid betrokke" Translator: Robin Barker Someone wrote to me and it went something like this: I am using my own words because a few things are mentioned and I do...
MAINTAIN AN EXEMPLARY LIFESTYLE AMONG THE NON-CHRISTIANS Sakkie Parsons Vertaal van Afrikaans: ‘Handhaaf ‘n voorbeeldige leefstyl onder die nie-Christene” Someone, and I’ll name the person Frances, wrote and asked me the following: "How and when should one...
WE SHALL BE LIKE JESUS Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Ons sal net soos JESUS wees” Translator: Robin Barker Someone wrote and asked the following question: “Do children grow in Heaven?” Here is how I look at the matter: The Word does not give...
THE POWER OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “DIE KRAG VAN ONS HERE JESUS CHRISTUS” Someone wrote to me as follows: "In Matthew 27:52 it says that the graves were opened, and the believers were raised and appeared to many. My...
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BECOME A NEW PERSON WHEN YOU ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST? It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me Translated from Afrikaans: “Wat beteken dit om ‘n nuwe mens te word wanneer jy JESUS aanneem?” Sakkie Parsons Someone was talking to me about the...
ALL THINGS WERE CREATED BY HIM AND FOR HIM – GOD HAS POURED OUT HIS LOVE UPON US IN HIS CREATION Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote to me as follows: Thank you very much for your messages. My question to you this morning is: Why did God decide to make the earth? I would...
FROM ANOTHER ANGLE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Vanuit ‘n ander hoek” One day in an e-mail, I let off a bit of steam about some Christians around me, who like to complain. Someone, you could say, took me on in a nice way about what I said. If I am right,...
HELL EXISTS AND IS A REALITY – DO NOT BLUFF YOURSELVES Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: Die Hel bestaan en is ‘n Werklikheid – Moenie julleself bluf nie.” Some time ago someone asked me if there really is such a place as hell. In response to what I...
WHAT SHOULD YOU AND I DO TO NOT GET LUKEWARM? The letter to the church of Laodicea which became lukewarm. Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Wat moet jy en ek doen om nie lou te raak nie” Someone wrote and asked if I don't want to explain Revelation 3:16. We...
JESUS CHRIST IS PRIEST FOREVER ACCORDING TO THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Jesus Christus is Priester vir ewig volgens die orde van Melgisédek” Someone wrote to me, asking if I don't want to write something about Jesus'...
DO I HAVE TO CONFESS MY SIN FIRST, BEFORE I CAN BE SAVED? Sakkie Parsons Vertaal van Afrikaans: “Moet ek eers my sonde bely voordat ek gered kan word?” Someone wrote to me that he has read my writing where I explain; 'how to become a Christian' and that he sees...
WE ARE NOT OF THE NIGHT OR THE DARKNESS Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Ons is nie van die nag of duisternis nie” Someone wrote to me and asked me as follows: "Are we going to be able to see the Antichrist before the rapture?" As I understand the...
DELANEY'S SANDWICH Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Delaney se sandwich” One Sunday morning several years ago, my grandson Delaney, he was seven years old at the time, came to his mother right after waking up and told her he was hungry for a sandwich. She...