
WE SHALL BE  LIKE JESUS Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote and asked the following question: “Do children grow in Heaven?” Here is how I look at the matter: The Word does not give us a direct answer...

YOUR LAST STEP ON EARTH AND YOUR FIRST STEP THEREAFTER Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote to me as follows: “My husband’s brother past away yesterday and we were shocked to hear that he adopted the Muslim faith and was buried accordingly. We knew that my brother...

WHAT HAPPENS TO ME AFTER THE GRAVE Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone asked me, for my opinion about life after death and firstly I must say that I do not have all the answers.  I also believe that there...

Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote the following to me: “I had always believed that there is one Heaven, but now I hear from more and more people that there is more than one Heaven.  They talk...

Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me asking the question, if we will recognise our loved ones in Heaven and if those who are already there will recognise us. I am going to name the person...

Author: Sakkie Parsons A few e-mails back, I told you why I am sure that we will recognize our loved ones in Heaven and that we will love each other. Our Lord then put something else in my heart to share with you, which actually corresponds to that email to an extent....

WHAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me, as have so many done, who wonder concerning the same subject, namely: He wonders why it is going so terribly...

A LIFE INSURANCE THAT WILL COVER YOU FOR EVER Sakkie Parsons When I read this line that someone sent me to, the following parts from God's Word came to my mind: "Looking at the way some people live, they ought to obtain eternal fire insurance soon." Most...

DEATH CAME THROUGH SIN Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote the following to me: “Please help me regarding the statement below, I personally think it is wrong but would like your opinion about it! With regards to...

MY CHILD IS ABUSED Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote to me, asking me what to say to a child who has been sexually abused in their family over a period of time. In sharing my answer with you, I would like to mention that there are several degrees of sexual abuse/assault...

MY DEAR ONE IS DIAGNOSED WITH DEMENTIA  Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote me a letter in which she mentions her mother who is far advanced with dementia and it is very difficult for her to handle the dementia of her mother. I would like to share my answer with her to...

JESUS IS – I AM – THE WORD THAT BECAME FLESH Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker I want to share something that came to me years ago and what I came across again, let me say in my archives. First, let us read the...

“GLORIFY YOUR SON, THAT YOUR SON MAY GLORIFY YOU” Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me asking what my understanding is of the following section from the Word, but first read the complete verse: JOHN...

SO THAT YOU CAN ALSO BE WHERE I AM Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator: Robin Barker Someone wrote to me and asked the following: “Why am I, as child of God, having such a difficult time?” With a smile: One day I was talking to a pastor...

TATTOO MARKS He is faithful and just in forgiving us for our sins Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me and asked the following. “I want to know where in the Bible is the section where God tells us that...

LET THE ONE WHO BOASTS, BOAST IN THE LORD Sakkie Parsons   Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me and asked if I would not share God’s view about glorifying, boasting and bragging about one’s self, with my...

DID JESUS EXIST AND WAS HE PERFECT? PART 2 Sakkie Parsons In my previous writing in these series about this question that was asked to me, I have shown from outside Biblical proof that Jesus certainly lived and was crucified. In this writing I would like to briefly...

DID JESUS EXIST AND WAS HE PERFECT? PART 1 Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote to me and asked: I just want to know how to explain that Jesus was and is perfect. In my experience, when someone has doubts about the perfection, or the reality of Jesus and you get into a...

ONLY HIS BLOOD Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker I want to share with you what occurred to me after someone wrote something to me. It is certainly wonderful to look at a rainbow and to know that it is God’s sign to us that...

HOW DO I KNOW I AM A CHILD OF GOD? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone asked me: “How do I know that I am saved?” In other words, that person wanted to know, how he/she would know if he/she was truly a child of...

ABOUT PORNOGRAPHY Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me about how the person’s very nice love filled relationship was destroyed through an addiction to pornography.  The person then asked me if I would...

GO THROUGH THE NARROW GATE INTO THE KINGDOM Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone sent to me the following section from the Word and then said rightfully, that our Lord will not allow someone to lie and so become...

COUNT THE PATIENCE OF OUR LORD AS SALVATION Sakkie Parsons I would like to share with you the following question I received: “Thank you for the enlightening writings you sent me regarding faith-healing and divine healing.  I want to ask your advice;...

ABOUT DEATH – PART 2 The two types of death Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker In my previous email, About Death – Part 1, I closed off basically saying the following: There is something more that I must share with you...

ABOUT DEATH – PART 1 Has our Lord set up a plan for our lives? Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker In short someone wrote to me and asked if our Lord has predetermined how long we are going to live. I immediately...

BUT TAKE HEART, I HAVE CONQUERED THE WORLD Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me and shared with me three terrible tragedies that occurred with her over a two week period and as they say in English: ‘To top...

TWO WAYS YOU CAN SHOW THAT YOU LOVE JESUS. Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Our Lord laid something on my heart that I eagerly want to share with you. Think a little back, when you truly fell in love the first time and not just...

CONFESSION OF SINS – Part 3 Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Here is the third and last writing in this short series of thoughts from the Word, where someone wrote the following to me: “I see all the time the verse...

CONFESSION OF SINS – Part 2 of 3 Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker In my first writing in this short series of three thoughts from the Word, I started answering, where someone had written the following to me: “I see...

CONFESSION OF SIN – Part 1of 3 Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator: Robin Barker Someone wrote the following to me: “I see all the time the verse from the Bible that if you confess your sins then you will be forgiven.  To whom must you...

WHAT MUST I DO TO BECOME BORN AGAIN? Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote to me asking the following abbreviated question: What does it mean to be born again? The author further writes to me and I quote the exact words: "I have adopted Jesus Christ as my Saviour, Lord...

EVERY PROMISE IN THE WORD IS MINE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me and asked: “If it is at all possible I would like to know how many promises made by God are documented in the Bible.” I want to...

THE RESULT OF OUR WORDS Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: "Die gevolge van ons woorde" Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote the following to me: “Sakkie I want to know if you have any advice or an explanation for me about:  Death...

AM I ACCEPTABLE TO OUR LORD? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me and asked the following: “How do I know, that I am acceptable to Jesus? Because, even though I try my very best, I sin every day.” I want to begin by...

WHO ARE THE RAM AND THE GOAT IN DANIEL 8? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone asked me a few questions about ‘Daniel 8’.  Among other things the person wrote to me as follows: “I read last night in the...

TO CONDEMN OR TO JUDGE – PART 3 Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker In my two previous writings from the Word in this series where I was asked the following question:  “The section that says: ‘Do...

  TO CONDEMN OR TO JUDGE Part 2 OF 3 Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker In my previous writing in this series, where I was asked: “The section that says: Do not judge, because to the extent that you judge,...

TO CONDEMN OR TO JUDGE PART 1 OF 3 Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me: “The section that says: Do not judge, because to the extent that you judge, you yourself will be judged: what does that exactly...

YOU HAVE A CHOICE WHERE YOU WANT TO GO Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote a very honest letter to me and in this letter the person wrote: "I'm worried about the sovereign will of God for me. Does that mean that if He decided that I was going to hell then nothing...

ON THE WAY TO HEAVEN’S GATE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker I want to share with you this daily thought about our lifestyle on earth: Our belief – and how we live it – must not be an act, not nice, or be...