
TWO WAYS YOU CAN SHOW THAT YOU LOVE JESUS. Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Our Lord laid something on my heart that I eagerly want to share with you. Think a little back, when you truly fell in love the first time and not just...

CONFESSION OF SINS – Part 3 Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Here is the third and last writing in this short series of thoughts from the Word, where someone wrote the following to me: “I see all the time the verse...

CONFESSION OF SINS – Part 2 of 3 Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker In my first writing in this short series of three thoughts from the Word, I started answering, where someone had written the following to me: “I see...

CONFESSION OF SIN – Part 1of 3 Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator: Robin Barker Someone wrote the following to me: “I see all the time the verse from the Bible that if you confess your sins then you will be forgiven.  To whom must you...

WHAT MUST I DO TO BECOME BORN AGAIN? Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote to me asking the following abbreviated question: What does it mean to be born again? The author further writes to me and I quote the exact words: "I have adopted Jesus Christ as my Saviour, Lord and...

EVERY PROMISE IN THE WORD IS MINE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me and asked: “If it is at all possible I would like to know how many promises made by God are documented in the Bible.” I want to...

THE RESULT OF OUR WORDS Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: "Die gevolge van ons woorde" Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote the following to me: “Sakkie I want to know if you have any advice or an explanation for me about:  Death...

AM I ACCEPTABLE TO OUR LORD? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me and asked the following: “How do I know, that I am acceptable to Jesus? Because, even though I try my very best, I sin every day.” I want to begin by...

WHO ARE THE RAM AND THE GOAT IN DANIEL 8? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone asked me a few questions about ‘Daniel 8’.  Among other things the person wrote to me as follows: “I read last night in the...

TO CONDEMN OR TO JUDGE – PART 3 Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker In my two previous writings from the Word in this series where I was asked the following question:  “The section that says: ‘Do...

  TO CONDEMN OR TO JUDGE Part 2 OF 3 Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker In my previous writing in this series, where I was asked: “The section that says: Do not judge, because to the extent that you judge,...

TO CONDEMN OR TO JUDGE PART 1 OF 3 Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me: “The section that says: Do not judge, because to the extent that you judge, you yourself will be judged: what does that exactly...

YOU HAVE A CHOICE WHERE YOU WANT TO GO Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote a very honest letter to me and in this letter the person wrote: "I'm worried about the sovereign will of God for me. Does that mean that if He decided that I was going to hell then nothing...

ON THE WAY TO HEAVEN’S GATE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker I want to share with you this daily thought about our lifestyle on earth: Our belief – and how we live it – must not be an act, not nice, or be...

Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker For the reason that people have spoken to me about this matter, I feel I must write something in this regard. I am talking here about, on the surface, the illogicalness of our...

 WHEN DO WE RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT? Author:  Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote to me to find out if I can help with this question: “When do we receive the Holy Spirit?” The way I understand it according to the Word is as follows: I am referring to...

JOYFULNESS AND PEACE THROUGH OUR FAITH Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Because we have this kind of belief we have peace: HEB 11:1  Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do...

OUR BODY, OUR SOUL AND OUR SPIRIT – Part 3 Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker In my previous two writings from the Word I shared with you about our bodies, or our tent house as it is called in the Word....

OUR BODY, OUR SOUL AND OUR SPIRIT – Part 2 Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker In this writing I eagerly want to share with you about the soul of a person, as I understand it through the Word. I want to begin by...

OUR BODY, OUR SOUL AND OUR SPIRIT – Part 1 Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker In this writing the following two questions were asked and I deal with it in three different series.  Someone asked me to...

GOD IS LOVE ITSELF Author:  Sakkie Parsons Recently I read the saying that we do not always realise what it means when somebody says that they are praying for you. Then the person mentioned: “Just think about it – The Person to whom he/she is going to...

FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN BELONGS TO SUCH AS THESE Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker “I want to start this message with a very important statement:  The way I understand the Word, I cannot earn Heaven, or...

WHERE THERE IS LIFE, THERE IS HOPE – Part 2. Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker In my previous writing I began with explaining about the man on the cross who Jesus said the following to: LUKE 23:43  Jesus...

WHERE THERE IS LIFE, THERE IS HOPE - PART 1 Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker I want to share with you the following question that someone sent to me and also my answer to the question as well as a following-up...

LET THE ONE WHO BOASTS, BOAST IN THE LORD Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me and asked if I would not share God’s view about glorifying, boasting and bragging about one’s self, with my...

EVERYTHING BEGINS WITH LOVE Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me and told me how they tried to show a loved one how that person’s lifestyle was wrong, but was unable to accomplish it. When I...

JESUS HAS ALREADY DONE EVERYTHING FOR YOU Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me a letter and I share a section with you which contained a question which was asked of me within that letter: “You...

FORGIVENESS Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator: Robin Barker Something that we sometimes have a big problem with, is forgiveness I want to share with you what our Lord showed me one day, but first you must please read the following...

FOR THIS REASON WE DO NOT DESPAIR Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me telling me that they have been going through a very stressful period for a long time.  I share with you my answer to that...

FAITH IN THE MESSIAH, JESUS CHRIST, IS OUR SALVATION Author:  Sakkie Parsons The righteous shall live by faith Someone wrote to me and ask the following question: How did the people of the Old Testament in the absence of Jesus – through whom we go to our...

BEGIN AT THE  BEGINNING Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker A while ago someone sent me the following piece of wisdom: "Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you do not have. Rather remember what you...

BORN THROUGH WATER AND THE HOLY SPIRIT Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me the following regarding one of my writings, from the Word, which I had sent out: “Following on from what you wrote in...

DO I HAVE A PERSONAL GUARDIAN ANGEL? Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator: Robin Barker Someone asked me, for my personal opinion, about angels and in particular about personal guardian angels and this which I am sending to you is exactly...

AT THE FEET OF JESUS I RECEIVE PEACE IN MY HEART   Sakkie Parsons Some years ago, someone sent my wife, who is now with Jesus, a chorus of a song on her phone.  We both enjoyed the beautiful chorus although we could not find the complete song at that time....

AM I ACCEPTABLE TO OUR LORD? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me and asked the following: “How do I know, that I am acceptable to Jesus? Because, even though I try my very best, I sin every day.” I want to begin by...

THE CROWN OF VICTORY   Author:  Sakkie Parsons After a conversation with someone who is currently going through a troublesome time and wishes the LORD will come and take him , I would like to share the following thoughts from the Bible: JAM 1:12 Blessed are...

LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION, BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL Author:  Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me asking, how do I understand the first section of Matthew 6:13, because God will not lead us into temptation....