The Lord led me to understand: “People will ask you questions and you must answer them “.
Occasionally I am send a question by someone and then I say to our Lord, because I cannot hide it from Him. “Lord, You know I do not know how to answer but You have given me this ministry and You must please help me now.” I then sit, I take my Bible and the references which I consider to be believable and I write. Then, occasionally when I have finished reading what I have just written, as it was at that time with some of my songs, I joyfully begin to cry when I saw what the Lord has given and done for me in my life.
I send weekly emails to people which eagerly want to receive it. If you also would like to receive emails from me, please join my Email Ministry. You can also find all the previous emails which I have sent so far on the Email Archive page.
Please note: My email address has changed to bediening@sakkieparsons.co.za. From 1 March 2015 sparsons@absamail.co.za will no longer be working. The old address still appears in in all the daily thoughts and over time this will be corrected. Thank you for your patience regarding this matter.
Newest Email
JESUS IS – I AM – THE WORD THAT BECAME FLESH Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator: Robin Barker I want to share something that came to me years ago and what I came across again, let me say in my archives. First, let us read the following from the Word: JOHN 6:16-21 16 When evening came, his disciples went down to the lake, 17 where they got into a boat and set off across the lake for Capernaum. By now it was dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them. 18 A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough. 19 When they had rowed about...
Goeiedag Sakkie,
Weereens baie, baie, dankie vir jou skrywes en dat jy jou ‘Gedagtes uit die Woord’ met my deel.
Dit is vir my so mooi waar hierdie persoon dit so mooi uitdruk om vir jou te sê dat jy baseer alles op die Woord van God.
Dit is die reine waarheid.
Ek vertel my dogter eendag –
Ek sê vir haar, ek waardeer jou skrywe so baie. Alles wat jy met my deel, “print” ek en dit kom in ‘n lêer wat ek by die huis hou. Die kinders weet as hul nie iets verstaan nie moet hulle daar binne kyk en lees, dit is my persoonlike verklarende Bybel.
Die Liewe Vader het jou gestuur na my sodat ek alles beter kan verstaan.
Ek wil weereens vandag vir jou baie dankie sê vir jou werke en dit wat jy vir die Here doen asook vir die mense om jou. Jy besef dit dalk nie elke dag nie, maar jy maak verskil in mens se lewe, jy bring weer krag en vertroue en moed deur God wat jou lei.
Geseënde dag, mag die Here jou seën.
Die gedagte uit die Woord waar na Adri aan my geskryf het was: