
THE BIBLE IS GOD’S WRITTEN VOICE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Die Bybel is God se Stem op papier” Translator:  Robin Barker In brief, someone wrote to me and asked the following question: “How is it that some people can hear...

I REALLY WANT TO BECOME A CHRISTIAN... Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Ek wil graag ‘n Christen word” Translator:  Robin Barker Someone send me a question, which in short reads as follows - “I want to become a Christian...

THE TWO TODAYS Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: Die twee vandags Translator:  Robin Barker I would like to share with you my thoughts on the two ‘todays’ that came into my mind the other day. Before I share my thoughts with you, first this:...

WE NOW HAVE FREE ACCESS TO THE HOLY OF HOLIES Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Ons het nou vrye toegang tot die Allerheiligste” Someone wrote to me and I summarize his question to me as follows: "We know that the Ark has been moved...

GIVE OUT OF LOVE AND NOT OUT OF OBLIGATION Sakkie Parsons Translated from the Afrikaans Version: Gee uit liefde en nie uit dwang Translator: Lynda Botha A Pastor sent me a letter regarding the two letters I wrote about tithing, in which he implied, when I read between...

THE SPIRIT OF GOD THAT LIVES WITHIN US Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: Die Gees van God wat in ons woon Translator:  Robin Barker Someone asked me what the difference is, when God’s Spirit, during the Old Testament times, shared with the people...

THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION IS ABOVE ALL OTHER RELIGIONS Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: Die Christengeloof bokant elke ander geloof Translator:  Robin Barker Someone asked me if I would mind highlighting the differences between our Christian religion and...

WE WILL CONTINUE  LIVING! Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: Ons gaan bly lewe! I just want to start this letter by saying that what I am about to write is not a reflection on the person who sent me the question. Sometimes I get it that people write to me...

FOR THIS GOOD NEWS I AM EVERYTHING BUT ASHAMED Sakkie Parsons Translated from the Afrikaans Version: Vir hierdie goeie nuus is ek allesbehalwe skaam Translator: Lynda Botha The other day my daughter and I talked about things that people around us do and she then...

SO THAT YOU CAN BEAR IT Sakkie Parsons Translated from the Afrikaans Version: Sodat julle dit sal kan verdra Translator:  Lynda Botha When you read this, and come to a point where you would say, that this is getting too much and you want to stop reading, I want...

LOVE – THE FULFILLMENT OF THE LAW Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: Die Liefde – die vervulling van die Wet Translator:  Robin Barker Someone asked me, which boils down to: “When you proclaim that certain sections which are in the Old...

GOD'S SPIRIT IS ABOVE ANY OTHER SPIRIT - PART 2 Sakkie Parsons Translated from the Afrikaans Version: God se Gees bokant elke ander gees – Deel 2 Translator:  Lynda Botha I concluded my previous letter in this short series with two thoughts from the...

LOVE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION - PART 2 Sakkie Parsons In a previous letter to you, I mentioned that according to me, the starting point of the Law of Love of Jesus to us, is - sanctification In this writing I will attempt to explain how I see...

SPEAKING IN TONGUES Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: Die spreek in tale Translator:  Robin Barker Someone asked me for my opinion about speaking in tongues and I want to share with you what I wrote to that person. I want to begin by saying that many...

OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN, HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: Onse Vader wat in die Hemele is, laat U Naam geheilig word Translator:  Robin Barker I believe that it is so for most people: You know that it works that way but when you think...

PORNOGRAPHY – HELP, I AM ADDICTED. Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  Pornografie – Help, ek is verslaaf Translator:  Robin Barker On occasion someone asked me to write something about pornography, which I have done. Then I received a...

WHO DO YOU SAY I AM? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  En jy, wie sê jy is Ek? Someone wrote to me and asked the question: “Was Jesus dead in the grave? Church tradition teaches that He descended into hell.  If so, our religion is a...

THERE IS A WAY OR PATH THAT SEEMS TO BE RIGHT Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  Daar is 'n weg wat reg lyk Translator:  Robin Barker One evening I was sitting pondering what a person had said to me on a previous occasion. He basically said, that...

ON OUR WAY TO HEAVEN’S GATE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  Oppad na die Hemelse Poort Translator:  Robin Barker I want to share with you this daily thought about our lifestyle on earth: Our belief – and how we live it – must not...

THEREFOR WE DO NOT LOSE HEART Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: Daarom word ek nooit moedeloos nie Translator:  Robin Barker I want to share with you an article that I read one day.  Actually I should say, something that I listened to, but how...

TO HIM WHO CONQUERS, I SHALL GIVE... Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: Aan hom wat oorwin, sal Ek gee … Translator:  Robin Barker Today I really would like to share with you about the Word which teaches us that your life, but especially your...

WHAT DO I UNDERSTAND ABOUT BEING HOLY? Sakkie Parsons Translated from the Afrikaans Version: Wat verstaan ek onder heiligmaking? Translator:  Lynda Botha Someone asked my opinion on 1 Peter 1:15-16 which is about being holy. I would like to share my response to...

HOW DO I ACT TOWARDS MY CREATOR IN TIMES OF TROUBLE? Sakkie Parsons Translated from the Afrikaans Version: Hoe tree ek teenoor my Skepper op in tye van benoudheid? Translator:  Lynda Botha Someone asked me if we are allowed to ask our Lord to explain why he does...

GOD IS NOT A GOD OF THE DEAD Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “God is nie ‘n God van dooies nie” Translator:  Robin Barker In this writing I want to share my view with you about:  Is there life after death? LUKE 16:22-23  22...

MY FRIEND IS ADDICTIVE TO DRUGS Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: My vriend is verslaaf aan dwelms Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote the following to me: “My heart this morning is extremely broken because I found out this weekend that my friend is...

A WONDERFUL FUTURE AWAITS US! Sakkie Parsons Translated from the Afrikaans Version: Daar wag ‘n heerlike toekoms! Translator:  Lynda Botha Someone wrote a beautiful and cheerful letter to me and I know that when she wrote this to me, that it is not going...

IS THERE SALVATION AFTER THE RAPTURE? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Is daar redding na die wegraping?” Translator: Robin Barker Someone sent me another person’s reasoning (opinion) that no one after the rapture can be saved and asks me...

JESUS CHANGES A MISTAKE INTO A TRIUMPH Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker I want to share something, which I had already learned, but has been shown to me afresh and it is the following: If you have Jesus in your life, or in the...

MARRIAGE Sakkie Parsons Translated from the Afrikaans Version: Die huwelik Translator:  Lynda Botha Someone asked me if I could write something regarding marriage and I share what I’ve sent to him with you as well. Please remember when you read this, that I...

LET YOUR WILL BE DONE – Part 2 Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Laat U wil geskied – Deel 2” Translator:  Robin Barker In this, the second of my writings, in the short series:  “Let Your Will Be Done” to...

LET YOUR WILL BE DONE – Part 1 Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Laat U wil geskied – Deel 1” Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote the following to me: I am having difficulty in understanding something, somewhere in the Bible...

GOD'S GRACE IS FREE, BUT NOT CHEAP Sakkie Parsons Translated from the Afrikaans Version: God se genade is verniet, maar nie goedkoop nie. Translator:  Lynda Botha The other day I heard something which made me think about something that happened and I would...

ABOUT SUICIDE Sakkie Parsons Translated from the Afrikaans Version: Oor selfmoord Translator:  Lynda Botha Someone asked my opinion about suicide. Once you start reading the beginning of my letter, it may sound to some people as if I immediately condemn people to...

DO YOU FLIRT? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: Flirt jy? Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me about men who “flirt.” Even though this problem does not only occur amongst men, in my opinion, as I have noticed throughout my life, it is...

DOES GOD SEND PEOPLE TO HELL? Sakkie Parsons Translated from the Afrikaans Version: Stuur God mense hel toe? Translator:  Lynda Botha I know that I have previously written about this subject, but the topic came under discussion once again when a question was...

LORD, I BELIEVE! HELP MY WEAKNESS OF FAITH! Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: (Ek glo HERE, kom my ongeloof tot hulp!) Translator:  Robin Barker I was busy reading the book of MARK, when our Lord showed me the following. Here follows the section: Jesus...

ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM – PART 2 Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: EEN HERE EEN GELOOF EEN DOOP – DEEL 2 In my previous writing in this short series of two thoughts from the Word, I shared with you when we receive the Holy Spirit and that...

ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM – PART 1 Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  EEN HERE, EEN GELOOF, EEN DOOP - DEEL 1 Someone asked me if I would talk about “the baptism with the Holy Spirit." So what I read between the lines is that the...

BECAUSE MANY FALSE PROPHETS WENT OUT INTO THE WORLD Sakkie Parsons Translated from the Afrikaans Version: Want baie valse profete het in die wêreld uitgegaan Translator:  Lynda Botha Someone wrote to me and asked me a question which basically comes down to...