
IS ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED? Sakkie Parsons I would like to share with you on this very important topic. I think that “once saved, always saved” is one of the most dangerous errors in people's preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Is:...

IN WHICH NAME SHOULD I PRAY, MOVE AND HAVE MY BEING? “Do everything in the Name of the Lord Jesus” , Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote to me and asked me the following. “Can you give me insight on the different names of the Father and Jesus when I pray? I...

HE THAT BELIEVES AND IS BAPTIZED SHALL BE SAVED Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans "Hy wat glo en hom laat doop sal gered word" Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me and asked the following question and I have extracted the question directly from...

CIRCUMCISION, BABY BAPTISM AND THE NEW COVENANT Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me, it read something like this: “How does the circumcision of babies in the Old Testament and babies of the New Testament...

DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO ASK FOR FORGIVENESS? Sakkie Parsons Someone asked me the question: If you did something wrong against someone else, do you always have to confess it to the person - even if the person does not even know about it? To answer the question, like so...

AN ARROGANT ATTITUDE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “‘n Attitude wat skrik vir niks” I showed you some time ago that Jesus want us to be on guard and pray and not merely pray. Today I want to share with you something that, if you...

CAN I AS CHRISTIAN LOSE MY SALVATION? - PART 2 HEBREW 6:11  “To have the full assurance of hope until the end” Sakkie Parsons My previous writing in this short series of two I concluded as follows: Does this tell us that we must constantly doubt when we sin as a...

CAN I AS A CHRISTIAN LOSE MY SALVATION ? - PART 1 Sakkie Parsons I would like to share the following question that someone sent me: Can we as Christians lose our salvation according to Hebrew 6:4-6? There are many people who say: “How nice - I have accepted Jesus as...

DO YOU STAND NEUTRAL TOWARDS JESUS ? Sakkie Parsons In the history stories we often read of extremely loyal and brave soldiers in the service of their king or leader, who were willing to die for him. One that comes to mind is the example of three of David's men....

FEAR REGARDING THE ‘MARK OF THE BEAST’ Sakkie Parsons I would like to share with you what came to my mind when I had to read a false panic story for the umpteenth time. I get very worried and sometimes upset too, when I listen to some children of God...

IS IT MURDER IF LIFE SUPPORT IS DISCONNECTED?         Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote and ask me the following: "Is it murder to turn off life-support machines?" I would love to share with you how I would handle this situation...

FEAR OF THE COVID-19 VACCINE - PART 1 Let us not spread fear. Sakkie Parsons I would like to share with you my view on all sorts of things that are spread on the social networks about the vaccination against Covid-19 and all its variants. Everyone who now makes a...

HOW I UNDERSTAND THE DAY OF JUDGMENT Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Hoe ek die oordeel verstaan” Someone asked me to please explain the Day of Judgment because I said that when I depart from this life, I directly enter either heaven or...

TREASURES IN HEAVEN Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Skatte in die Hemel” Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me following someone’s performances in churches and then according to him was not properly compensated. The...

JESUS CHRIST OPENED HEAVEN TO ALL NATIONS AND PEOPLE Sakkie Parsons Someone shared with me a video she watched where a man twisted Jesus' Gospel in such a way that one could only call what he preached; an evil gospel. It was a gospel where hatred against all...

OBEDIENCE TO JESUS - THE NEW COVENANT Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Gehoorsaamheid aan Jesus – die Nuwe Verbond” Someone wrote to me as follows: "I am looking for word on the following topic: What does absolute obedience to the Word...

QUENCH THE FLAMING ARROW Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: Blus die Brandpyl Translator:  Robin Barker Most of the people I know, and truthfully, everyone I know, myself included, have one or more weaknesses in our lives.  Be it a physical, or...

OUR ONLY WAY TO SALVATION IS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Ons enigste weg na redding is deur Jesus Christus” The other day I thought on how good our Lord is to me by way of the neighbours He has given me. My neighbours on the left,...

BE A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Wees ‘n navolger van Christus” Following something I read, the next thought came to mind which I want to share with you: Never follow those that are not followers of Jesus...

BOASTING, BRAGGING AND SELF-PRAISE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Roem, Spog en Grootpraat” Someone wrote to me asking if I do not want to share with my readers God's view of boasting, bragging and self-praise. Now I want to show you...

WHEN I APPROACH JESUS WITH A PROBLEM Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “As ek met ‘n probleem vir Jesus nader” Translator:  Robin Barker I would like to share with you what I discovered while I was reading the following verses in...

WHEN MAY I DIVORCE AND WHEN MAY I NOT – Part 2 Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Wanneer mag ek skei en wanneer nie? Deel 2” Translator:  Robin Barker This is my second and last writing in this short series about: When may I divorce and...

WHEN MAY I DIVORCE AND WHEN MAY I NOT – Part 1 Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Wanneer mag ek skei en wanneer nie? Deel 1” Translator:  Robin Barker Following on from a writing of mine, someone sent me the following question:...

WHEN WE FAST Sakkie Parsons Someone asked me my opinion about "fasting" and I would like to share with you my answer on this matter. I want to start by saying that a Christian is nowhere obligated by our Lord to fast. That it is a wonderful way to strengthen...

WHEN SHOULD WE TALK AND WHEN SHOULD WE NOT? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: Wanneer praat ons en wanneer nie? Translator:  Robin Barker I would like to share the following thought with you that came to mind after something I read. What I am now going to...

WHEN OUR LORD'S LOVE CHANGES HIS PLAN Sakkie Parsons A while ago, someone asked me a question and because I sometimes feel led to share my answer with my people, I did it in that case as well. Someone else then confronted me and said, among other things, that God...

THEREFORE I PRAY AND PERSEVERE ONWARDS IN OBEDIENCE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Daarom bid en beur ek in gehoorsaamheid voort” I was in conversation with someone and the person asked that I would share this answer with all my people....

PROPHECIES CONCERNING JESUS Therefore GOD has highly exalted JESUS and given Him a Name that is above every other name. Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  "Profesieë aangaande Jesus Christus in die Ou Testament" I received a letter in which...

ADDICTION CAN BE OVERCOME Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Verslawing kan oorwin word” In this writing I am answering a lady because a lady wrote to me but everything I write here applies just as well to a man. Someone who had wedding...

LET US LIVE WHAT WE BELIEVE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  "Kom ons leef wat ons glo" Sometimes I get a bit upset when I see how many Christians, through being ignorant, make being a Christian seem ridiculous. There is an Afrikaans saying...

LOVE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION – PART 1 Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote to me and asked me the following that refers to this: "I am a Christian, what more must I still do to get to Heaven? And- Explain your views regarding the understanding , “to...

BINDING AND LOOSENING – Part 1 The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: Bind en Ontbind - Deel 1 Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me as follows. “Can you please explain to me about binding and unbinding in...

BINDING AND LOOSENING – Part 2 Open the door of your heart to Jesus today and do not allow it to be closed to everlasting life Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Bind en Ontbind- Deel 2” Translator:  Robin Barker In my previous writing...

THE KEY JESUS HAS GIVEN TO PETER Sakkie Parsons It was one day, just after my wife was searching for car keys for quite some time, I read in the Bible of a Key. I now want to share with you what then came to my mind. The section I read was the following:   MAT...

BE WIDE AWAKE AND ALERT Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Wees nugter en waaksaam” On occasion, someone sends an email in which she reacts fervidly that she disagree from me and, among other things, the person also mentions that she has been...

DOES IT MATTER IN WHAT WAY I AM BURIED? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Maak dit saak hoe ek begrawe word?” LUK 16:22  The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried, Some...

ABOUT THE 144 000 WHO WERE SEALED IN REVELATION 7:4 Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Die 144 000 verseëldes in Openbaring” Translator: Robin Barker I was sent an email by someone, asking my opinion and understanding of the one hundred and...

I DON'T KNOW IF I AM ‘COMING OR GOING’ Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  "Ek weet nie meer herwaarts of derwaarts nie" I love history very much, especially ancient history. I would like to share with you what our Lord laid on my...

YOU HAVE FALLEN AWAY FROM GRACE Sakkie Parsons Someone writes to me as follows in regards that I declare that we are no longer under the Mosaic Law: "What was meant by Jesus when He said the following?” MAT 5:17 -20 17  "Do not think that I have...