
WHAT SHOULD YOU AND I DO TO NOT GET LUKEWARM? The letter to the church of Laodicea which became lukewarm. Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Wat moet jy en ek doen om nie lou te raak nie” Someone wrote and asked if I don't want to explain Revelation 3:16. We...

WE ARE NOT OF THE NIGHT OR THE DARKNESS Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Ons is nie van die nag of duisternis nie” Someone wrote to me and asked me as follows: "Are we going to be able to see the Antichrist before the rapture?" As I understand the...

DELANEY'S SANDWICH Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Delaney se sandwich” One Sunday morning several years ago, my grandson Delaney, he was seven years old at the time, came to his mother right after waking up and told her he was hungry for a sandwich. She...

HE WHO SPEAKS IN A LANGUAGE EDIFIES HIMSELF Sakkie Parsons  Vertaal van Afrikaans:  “Hy wat in tale spreek, stig homself” Someone wrote to me and asked me my opinion on a statement that a church leader seems to have made, that speaking in tongues no longer happen...

SALT IN YOUR SUGAR Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Sout in jou Suiker” I would like to share with you the following saying, which I also try to remember and live out in my own life: “Why would I put salt in your sugar? It's not going to make my sugar...

HE THAT BELIEVES AND IS BAPTIZED SHALL BE SAVED Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me and asked the following question and I have extracted the question directly from the person’s letter to me: “I refer to Mark 16...

HOW DID BABY BAPTISM START? What Does The Bible Say About The Baptism Of Babies? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Hoe het die Baba-doop ontstaan?” Someone wrote to me and asked the following: "How did infant baptism come about? By way of introduction,...

IS ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR THE LORD? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Sou iets vir die HERE te wonderbaar wees?” Following a thought from the Word that I sent out, with the name of: " WILL WE RECOGNIZE EACH OTHER IN HEAVEN" which I will also send to you...

DO I REALLY LOVE GOD? Sakkie Parsons Vertaal van Afrikaans:  “Het ek God werklik lief?” People say so easily: "I love God." But do I really love God? When my children were still in the house and I did something for them, I did it with unconditional love. There...

FROM ANOTHER ANGLE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Vanuit ‘n ander hoek” One day in an e-mail, I let off a bit of steam about some Christians around me, who like to complain. Someone, you could say, took me on in a nice way about what I said. If I am right,...

ALWAYS REMEMBER JESUS CHRIST - YOUR LORD AND SAVIOUR To all my brothers and sisters who at this moment are stumbling under satan's attack. Sakkie Parsons One day I was talking to someone and then a thought came to my mind in the form of a question that I want to share...

YET NOT MY WILL, BUT YOUR WILL BE DONE Our LORD has the final say in everything we pray for Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Nogtans nie my wil nie, maar U wil” Someone wrote to me, and I post here only the relevant part from the letter, which concerns...

THE EVENTS AROUND THE TOWER OF BABEL Sakkie Parsons Someone asked me how I see the events of the Tower of Babel and especially our Lord’s actions to confuse the people’s languages. Here is how I understand this event in the Bible, but first read the section: GEN...

A MESSENGER OF GOD WITH THE SINCERE HONESTY OF AN ANGEL Like the angel who brought God's message, today we are God's angels who bring His Gospel to everyone around us. Sakkie Parsons Today I would like to share with you something that occurred to me. I have already...

WHY DOES JESUS REFER TO HIMSELF AS THE SON OF MAN? Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote to me and would like to know why Jesus refers to Himself as “the Son of man. To begin with, I would like to share with you the following statistics: In the Bible that I read the most, the...

ARE PEOPLE LOST WHO BELIEVE IN OTHER RELIGIONS? No other God than JESUS CHRIST can save you from hell – HE is your only salvation to Eternal Life (Acts 4:10-12) Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote to me and wanted to know: “What about other religions that also...

FOR BY GRACE YOU HAVE BEEN SAVED, THROUGH FAITH Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Want uit genade is julle gered, deur die geloof” Someone wrote to me: "Can you please send me something about Rebirth so I can explain to my husband that...

CONFESS AS LONG AS IT IS THROUGH LOVE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Bely sover dit in die liefde is” Translator: Robin Barker Someone wrote to me and asked, amongst other things:  “Whether we should always confess to people every...

IS THERE REALLY SUCH A PLACE AS HELL? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Is daar werklik ‘n plek soos die hel?” Someone asked me if Hell really exists. It's quite funny to me, that more people believe in Heaven than people believe...

WHICH  IS THE TRUE RELIGION? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Wat is die ware Godsdiens?” Translator:  Robin Barker Remember together with all that you are about to read the following: Any so-called Christian religion who has a priest,...

LET US LIVE A CONSECRATED LIFE IN THE FEAR OF GOD Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: “Laat ons die heiligmaking in die vrees van God volbring” Someone wrote me the following: "Hi there my brother in Christ. The verse was in your message:...

IF YOU WANT COMPLETE PEACE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  "As jy volkome vrede wil hé" I want to start today with a question:   Why are so many of us dissatisfied? Why do so many of us not have real peace? Why do many of us have...

WHOEVER IS NOT FOR ME, IS AGAINST ME Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Wie nie aan My kant is nie, is teen My” Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote the following to me:  “Please help me with the internal turmoil I have within me about Moslems.  What is...

SHALL WE GO ON SINNING? Sakkie Parsons   Translated from Afrikaans: “Mag ons dan nou die sonde meer maak” Translator:  Robin Barker I want to share with you about a subject, which is talked about regularly these days. Before I say anything...

THE WORD REGARDING THE SAME-SEX LIFESTYLE Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Die Woord rakende dieselfde geslag leefwyse” I often get questions from different angles about homosexual, gay, lesbian lifestyles etc. Now there are theologians who...

ABOUT BAPTISM Sakkie Parsons Vetaal van Afrikaans:  “Oor die Doop” Someone asked me my view on Baptism. Before I say anything about baptism, just this: I don't believe anyone will go to hell if they are not baptized. You will be lost if you do not...

WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO GO TO HEAVEN ? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans:  “Wat moet ek doen om Hemel toe te gaan?” Someone wrote to me about a loved one who committed suicide. Then the person asks me how they can know if the person is in...

COULD OUR LORD NOT HAVE FORGIVEN JUDAS? Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans: "Kon ons HERE nie maar vir Judas vergewe het nie?" Translator:  Robin Barker I want to start by simply stating very clearly that what I write here according how I...

THEY ARE NO LONGER TWO, BUT ONE BODY Sakkie Parsons Translated from Afrikaans Translator:  Robin Barker Someone wrote to me and asked the following question: “What is the meaning of:  That which God has brought together, no person may separate?”...

COME LET US PURSUE THE BOND OF PERFECTION Sakkie Parsons Translated from the Afrikaans Version: Kom ons strewe na die band van die volmaaktheid Translator:  Lynda Botha I would like to share with you a thought which has befallen me. I am also aware that I wrote...

GOD IS PERFECT LOVE Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote to me as follows: "Hello Sakkie, please help. We just want to know: If you have sinned, the Lord punishes you for it and that is why you are suffering?" Let me start by just saying: It is confessing Christians...

WHO COULD ACT AS GOD'S ADVISOR? JESUS has already conquered the world so we can find our rest and peace in Him Sakkie Parsons Someone wrote to me: Can you please explain ROMANS 11:33 to 36 to me? Let's just read the passage again: ROM 11:33-36 33  Oh, the...

WHICH REWARD DO YOU PREFER? (Translated from Afrikaans) Sakkie Parsons I would like to share with you the following passage from our LORD's precious Word where JESUS instruct us regarding our reward and I place that which come into my heart in blue color in...